Jinhee Park lectures at the University of Southern California | 29 March

Please join Jinhee Park’s lecture “Micro-Urbanism” at the University of Southern California School of Architecture
The School of Architecture has built a well-earned reputation of preparing leaders in our field. USC’s degree-curriculum — whether in architecture, landscape architecture, building science or heritage conservation — has always been intensive, in-depth and topical, with each program fusing history, theory, technology and design into a variety of degree programs that well-prepare its students for the rigors of the professional design practices. (quote from USCSOA website).
Lecture Summary: The topic, Micro-Urbanism, is about new modes of operation in the city and architecture’s ability to change the way we live and work. ‘Micro’ is not necessarily about size, but more about relativity between program, perception, and questioning the various elements of architecture in essential scale. The concept will be demonstrated in a series of design projects.
When: Mar. 29, 2017 Wednesday, 6:00 p.m.
Where: Gin D Wong, FAIA Conference Center, Harris Hall 101 (USC School of Architecture), Los Angeles, CA.
RSVP: Lectures are free and open to the public. No reservations are required.